Items For Sale: postage to be added


Monier Williams Sanskrit Dictionary. Published by Munishiran Manoharlal, India £45.00 plus postage

Vyakarana Mahabhasya of Patanjali on Panini 3.1 : Translation & notes STEPHEN THOMPSON


Sanskrit is Fun Vols 1 – 3 £6.00 each plus postage

Stories of Krishna Vols. 1 – 2 £12.00 each plus postage

Stories of Rama Vols. 1 – 2 £12.00 each plus postage

A Practical Aid for the Study of Sanskrit Dhatus £6.00 plus postage


Sanskrit pens (broad or medium) £12.50 each & postage includes a blue ink cartridge

Cartridges: 5 in a packet , black or blue £3.00 plus postage

Calligraphy  board with two angles, £40.00 plus postage

Sanskrit for Philosophy Students £11.00 & postage

[wp_cart:Sanskrit for Philosophy Students:price:11.00:end

& postage]

CD: Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide, Vocabulary and Chants And Popular Mantras £6.00& postage

CD: Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi , Chapters 1& 2 recited by Rev’d Dr Stephen Thompson

£6.00 & postage

CD:Srimad Bhagavad Gita,

Chapters 1& 2 recited by Rev’d Dr Stephen Thompson

£6.00 & postage

Laminated Cards:

GCSE Sanskrit Rupani Summary £2.50

GCSE Verb Forms £2.50

GCSE Sanskrit Alphabet & Phonetics £2.50

Other Items

Sanskrit Pen – with special right oblique cut to facilitate writing Nagari script. One ink cartridge is also included. Select:

Medium Nib £12.50

Fine Nib £12.50

Broad Nib £11.00

Ink Cartridges for Sanskrit Pens – pack of five £2.50

Sanskrit Alphabet Cards pack £6.00

Vyakarana Mahabhasya of Patanjali on Panini 3.1.(The Pratyaya Pada)

Motilal Banarsidas
